Requesting a pet insurance quote doesn’t take long at all. Just like other forms of insurance (such as car insurance) you’ll be asked a handful of question within an online form, and then be presented with your quote.
The two questions I always get stuck on when getting a pet insurance quote is the breed of my cat, and it’s date of birth. All I know if I have a ginger cat, and it leaves it’s fluff everywhere. Sometimes you are presented 30 or so breeds, and I’ve literally go no idea whether mine is a Burmese, Chantilly, Persian, Tabby, or Somali. I guess I’ll have to do a bunch of Google searches to find out, or send a picture of my cat to the vet?!
The pet’s date of birth is also another tough question. Some date 7 or so years ago…
Anyone, enough moaning. Not all questions are tough, and most owners probably know more about their pet’s than I do. AA Pet Insurance goes as far as asking for your pet’s colour. If someone knows why, we’d love to know!
So what’s our advice? Get at least one pet insurance quote online when you first pick up your pet. At this time you’ve probably got a reasonable idea of the date of birth and the breed of the cat. It’ll probably be in the Trademe listing or the SPCA paperwork. Once you’ve done one quote you’ll have the answers to all the questions they ask, so spend another 10 minutes and get a few more quotes. You’ll find that the prices can vary quite a bit, so spending 10 minutes to get cheaper pet insurance, or a betted pet insurance policy, is worth it!
Quick fact: I’ve never purchased a pet insurance policy. I’ve pulled together these pet insurance reviews from scouring the internet and reading the websites of most leading pet insurers, and also reading hundreds of reviews left by customers online. I’ve also got many friends and family who are big animal lovers who have experience with the top few pet insurance companies, so their feedback helped me write these reviews. Since I do own a cat, I’ve had some discussions recently with the local pet store on what to look for when buying pet insurance. I’ve added their advice below!